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My “Momma Theresa” Mother – Christmas

My love for animals runs in the family. The “kind stranger” and “lady” in the story from this shelter, is my mother.

My mom feeds and sometimes adopts neglected dogs in the surrounding area every day. She has been doing this for years. This is one of the dogs she used to feed daily at a cemetery, until it was safe to move her to a shelter.

The dog only loved my mom, and would let my mother handle and clean the newborns after thunder storms. The dog would ferociously growl at people attending funerals.

Post Text:

Today marks yet another day that lives have been saved. There seems to be A LOT lately, and our shelter is becoming more and more full. Today this family came to us with the help of a kind stranger from up north who contacted us about a momma and her puppies. She has many dogs of her own that she looks after and spotted this sweet momma dog on the beach. She couldn’t take more in but when she saw she was pregnant she knew she had to help.

The mother moved to a nearby cemetery to give birth and that’s where this lady would come to feed her every day. In fact she had been looking out for mom and her puppies for the last few months and today while the rain was pouring down, she found some of the poor babies stuck in the gutter trembling and far away from their mother.

Knowing full well that the elements are the least of this families worries, she got in touch with us and we took this family in. Momma was quite nervous on arrival but once the corned beef came out she knew her and her babies were safe.

We’re not sure if this sweet girl was owned at one point because when we held out our hands she seems to know how to give paw. ?

We talk a lot about animal abuse and neglect at the hands of people on the island but there are also many people who care and watch out for these dogs and cats. This lady is a perfect example. Without her kindness and dedication I am sure these sweet babies and momma would not be doing as well as they are.

This momma obviously felt love towards her and even thanked her when she left.
We are so glad she is with us, safe away from the elements, from the people who would throw stones and shoo her away, from the busy road that was just steps away and safe from all of the life threatening illnesses and dangers of life as a stray animal. 

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